from web3 import Web3
def is_tuple_type(type_):
return type_.startswith("tuple")
def is_array_type(type_):
return type_.endswith("[]")
def process_output_types(abi_outputs):
"""Processes ABI outputs, handling tuples based on their components."""
processed_types = []
for output in abi_outputs:
output_type = output["type"] # Get the type string
if is_array_type(output_type):
# Assuming arrays will always contain types, not data
elif is_tuple_type(output_type):
# Recursively process the tuple's components
processed_components = process_output_types(output["components"])
tuple_str = f"({','.join(processed_components)})" # Construct tuple string
return processed_types
def assign_names_to_decoded(decoded_output, abi_outputs):
"""Assigns names from ABI outputs to values in a decoded tuple/array."""
if not isinstance(decoded_output, (list, tuple)):
return decoded_output # Not an array or tuple
result = {}
for output, value in zip(abi_outputs, decoded_output):
if "components" in output:
result[output["name"]] = assign_names_to_decoded(
value, output["components"]
elif output["type"] == "bytes32": # Check for bytes32
result[output["name"]] = Web3.to_hex(value) # Convert to hex string
result[output["name"]] = value
return result
# def auto_decode(contract, function_name, *args):
# # Get the function from the contract
# function = getattr(contract.functions, function_name)
# # Call the function with the provided arguments
# raw_output = function(*args).call()
# # Get the ABI for the function
# abi_outputs = [output for output in contract.abi if output.get('name') == function_name][0]['outputs']
# # Decode the output
# output_types = [output['type'] for output in abi_outputs]
# decoded_output = Web3.codec.decode(output_types, raw_output)
# # Convert the decoded output to a structured object
# structured_output = convert_array_to_object(abi_outputs, decoded_output)
# return structured_output
def decoder(web3, contract, function_name, raw_output):
abi_outputs = [
output for output in contract.abi if output.get("name") == function_name
output_types = process_output_types(abi_outputs)
decoded_output = raw_output
if not isinstance(raw_output, list):
decoded_output = web3.codec.decode(output_types, raw_output)
decoded_output = assign_names_to_decoded(decoded_output, abi_outputs)
return decoded_output