Source code for avantis_trader_sdk.types

from pydantic import (
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, Optional, List, Union
import time
import re

[docs] class PairInfoFeed(BaseModel): max_deviation_percentage: float = Field(..., alias="maxDeviationP") feed_id: str = Field(..., alias="feedId")
[docs] @field_validator("max_deviation_percentage", mode="before") def convert_max_deviation(cls, v): return v / 10**10
[docs] class PairInfo(BaseModel): from_: str = Field(..., alias="from") to: str feed: PairInfoFeed backup_feed: PairInfoFeed = Field(..., alias="backupFeed") constant_spread_bps: float = Field(..., alias="spreadP") price_impact_parameter: float = Field(..., alias="priceImpactMultiplier") skew_impact_parameter: float = Field(..., alias="skewImpactMultiplier") group_index: int = Field(..., alias="groupIndex") fee_index: int = Field(..., alias="feeIndex") group_open_interest_percentage: float = Field( ..., alias="groupOpenInterestPecentage" ) max_wallet_oi: float = Field(..., alias="maxWalletOI")
[docs] @field_validator("price_impact_parameter", "skew_impact_parameter", mode="before") def convert_to_float_10(cls, v): return v / 10**10
[docs] @field_validator("constant_spread_bps", mode="before") def convert_to_float_10_bps(cls, v): return v / 10**10 * 100
[docs] class Config: populate_by_name = True
[docs] class OpenInterest(BaseModel): long: Dict[str, float] short: Dict[str, float]
[docs] class OpenInterestLimits(BaseModel): limits: Dict[str, float]
[docs] class Utilization(BaseModel): utilization: Dict[str, float]
[docs] class Skew(BaseModel): skew: Dict[str, float]
[docs] class MarginFee(BaseModel): hourly_base_fee_parameter: Dict[str, float] hourly_margin_fee_long_bps: Dict[str, float] hourly_margin_fee_short_bps: Dict[str, float]
[docs] class MarginFeeSingle(BaseModel): hourly_base_fee_parameter: float hourly_margin_fee_long_bps: float hourly_margin_fee_short_bps: float
[docs] class DepthSingle(BaseModel): above: float below: float
[docs] class PairInfoExtended(PairInfo): asset_open_interest_limit: float asset_open_interest: Dict[str, float] asset_utilization: float asset_skew: float blended_utilization: float blended_skew: float margin_fee: MarginFeeSingle one_percent_depth: DepthSingle new_1k_long_opening_fee_bps: float # Opening fee for new $1,000 long position new_1k_short_opening_fee_bps: float # Opening fee for new $1,000 short position new_1k_long_opening_spread_bps: float # Opening spread for new $1,000 long position new_1k_short_opening_spread_bps: ( float # Opening spread for new $1,000 short position ) price_impact_spread_long_bps: float price_impact_spread_short_bps: float skew_impact_spread_long_bps: float skew_impact_spread_short_bps: float
[docs] class Config: populate_by_name = True
[docs] class PairSpread(BaseModel): spread: Dict[str, float]
[docs] class PriceFeedResponse(BaseModel): id: str price: Optional[Union[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, float]]] = None ema_price: Optional[Union[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, float]]] = None pair: Optional[str] = None metadata: Optional[Union[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, float]]] = None converted_price: float = 0.0 converted_ema_price: float = 0.0
[docs] @model_validator(mode="before") def convert_price(cls, values): price_info = values.get("price") if price_info: values["converted_price"] = float(price_info["price"]) / 10 ** -int( price_info["expo"] ) ema_price_info = values.get("ema_price") if ema_price_info: values["converted_ema_price"] = float(ema_price_info["price"]) / 10 ** -int( ema_price_info["expo"] ) return values
[docs] class PriceFeesUpdateBinary(BaseModel): encoding: str data: List[str]
[docs] class PriceFeedUpdatesResponse(BaseModel): binary: PriceFeesUpdateBinary parsed: List[PriceFeedResponse]
[docs] class Spread(BaseModel): long: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None short: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None
[docs] @model_validator(mode="before") def check_at_least_one(cls, values): if not values.get("long") and not values.get("short"): raise ValueError('At least one of "long" or "short" must be present.') return values
[docs] class Depth(BaseModel): above: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None below: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None
[docs] @model_validator(mode="before") def check_at_least_one(cls, values): if not values.get("above") and not values.get("below"): raise ValueError('At least one of "above" or "below" must be present.') return values
[docs] class Fee(BaseModel): long: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None short: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None
[docs] @model_validator(mode="before") def check_at_least_one(cls, values): if not values.get("long") and not values.get("short"): raise ValueError('At least one of "long" or "short" must be present.') return values
[docs] class TradeInput(BaseModel): trader: str = "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" pairIndex: int = Field(..., alias="pair_index") index: int = Field(0, alias="trade_index") initialPosToken: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias="open_collateral") positionSizeUSDC: Optional[int] = Field(None, alias="collateral_in_trade") openPrice: int = Field(0, alias="open_price") buy: bool = Field(..., alias="is_long") leverage: int tp: Optional[int] = 0 sl: Optional[int] = 0 timestamp: Optional[int] = 0
[docs] @field_validator("trader") def validate_eth_address(cls, v): if not re.match(r"^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$", v): raise ValueError("Invalid Ethereum address") return v
[docs] @field_validator("tp") def validate_tp(cls, v, values): if"openPrice") not in [0, None] and v in [0, None]: raise ValueError("tp is required when openPrice is provided and is not 0") return v
[docs] @field_validator("openPrice", "tp", "sl", "leverage", mode="before") def convert_to_float_10(cls, v): if v is None: return 0 return int(v * 10**10)
[docs] @model_validator(mode="before") def assign_and_validate_collateral_and_position_size_usdc(cls, values): collateral_in_trade = values.pop("position_size_usdc", None) if collateral_in_trade is not None: values["positionSizeUSDC"] = collateral_in_trade initialPosToken = values.get("initialPosToken") or values.get("open_collateral") positionSizeUSDC = values.get("positionSizeUSDC") or values.get( "collateral_in_trade" ) if initialPosToken is None and positionSizeUSDC is None: raise ValueError( "Either 'open_collateral' or 'collateral_in_trade' must be provided." ) if initialPosToken is not None and positionSizeUSDC is None: values["positionSizeUSDC"] = 0 elif positionSizeUSDC is not None and initialPosToken is None: values["initialPosToken"] = 0 return values
[docs] @field_validator("initialPosToken", "positionSizeUSDC", mode="before") def convert_to_float_6(cls, v): return int(v * 10**6)
[docs] @field_validator("timestamp", mode="before") def set_default_timestamp(cls, v): if v is None: return int(time.time()) return v
[docs] class Config: populate_by_name = True
[docs] class TradeInputOrderType(Enum): MARKET = 0 STOP_LIMIT = 1 LIMIT = 2
[docs] class TradeResponse(BaseModel): trader: str pair_index: int = Field(..., alias="pairIndex") trade_index: int = Field(0, alias="index") open_collateral: float = Field(None, alias="initialPosToken") collateral_in_trade: float = Field(None, alias="positionSizeUSDC") open_price: float = Field(0, alias="openPrice") is_long: bool = Field(..., alias="buy") leverage: float tp: float sl: float timestamp: int
[docs] @field_validator("trader") def validate_eth_address(cls, v): if not re.match(r"^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$", v): raise ValueError("Invalid Ethereum address") return v
[docs] @field_validator("open_price", "tp", "sl", "leverage", mode="before") def convert_to_float_10(cls, v): return v / 10**10
[docs] @field_validator("open_collateral", "collateral_in_trade", mode="before") def convert_to_float_6(cls, v): return v / 10**6
[docs] class Config: populate_by_name = True
[docs] class TradeInfo(BaseModel): open_interest_usdc: float = Field(..., alias="openInterestUSDC") tp_last_updated: float = Field(..., alias="tpLastUpdated") sl_last_updated: float = Field(..., alias="slLastUpdated") being_market_closed: bool = Field(..., alias="beingMarketClosed") loss_protection_percentage: float = Field(..., alias="lossProtectionPercentage")
[docs] @field_validator("open_interest_usdc", mode="before") def convert_to_float_6(cls, v): return v / 10**6
[docs] class Config: populate_by_name = True
[docs] class TradeExtendedResponse(BaseModel): trade: TradeResponse additional_info: TradeInfo margin_fee: float liquidation_price: float
[docs] @field_validator("margin_fee", mode="before") def convert_to_float_6(cls, v): return v / 10**6
[docs] @field_validator("liquidation_price", mode="before") def convert_to_float_10(cls, v): return v / 10**10
[docs] class Config: populate_by_name = True
[docs] class PendingLimitOrderResponse(BaseModel): trader: str pair_index: int = Field(..., alias="pairIndex") trade_index: int = Field(0, alias="index") open_collateral: float = Field(..., alias="positionSize") buy: bool leverage: int tp: float sl: float price: float slippage_percentage: float = Field(..., alias="slippageP") block: int
[docs] @field_validator("trader") def validate_eth_address(cls, v): if not re.match(r"^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$", v): raise ValueError("Invalid Ethereum address") return v
[docs] @field_validator( "price", "tp", "sl", "leverage", "slippage_percentage", mode="before" ) def convert_to_float_10(cls, v): return v / 10**10
[docs] @field_validator("open_collateral", mode="before") def convert_to_float_6(cls, v): return v / 10**6
[docs] class Config: populate_by_name = True
[docs] class PendingLimitOrderExtendedResponse(PendingLimitOrderResponse): liquidation_price: float
[docs] @field_validator("liquidation_price", mode="before") def convert_liq_to_float_10(cls, v): return v / 10**10
[docs] class MarginUpdateType(Enum): DEPOSIT = 0 WITHDRAW = 1
[docs] class LossProtectionInfo(BaseModel): percentage: float amount: float
[docs] class SnapshotOpenInterest(BaseModel): long: float short: float
[docs] class SnapshotGroup(BaseModel): group_open_interest_limit: float group_open_interest: SnapshotOpenInterest group_utilization: float group_skew: float pairs: Dict[str, PairInfoExtended]
[docs] class Snapshot(BaseModel): groups: Dict[conint(ge=0), SnapshotGroup]