Source code for avantis_trader_sdk.rpc.pairs_cache

from ..types import PairInfo

[docs] class PairsCache: """ This class provides methods to retrieve pairs information from the blockchain. """ def __init__(self, client): """ Constructor for the PairsCache class. Args: client: The TraderClient object. """ self.client = client self._pair_info_cache = {} self._group_indexes_cache = {} self._pair_mapping = {}
[docs] async def get_pairs_info(self, force_update=False): """ Retrieves the pairs information from the blockchain. The information is cached and will be returned from the cache if it is available and force_update is False. This is to avoid unnecessary calls to the blockchain. Args: force_update: If True, the cache will be ignored and the information will be retrieved from the blockchain. Defaults to False. Returns: A dictionary containing the pairs information. """ if not force_update and not self._pair_info_cache: Multicall = self.client.contracts.get("Multicall") PairStorage = self.client.contracts.get("PairStorage") pairs_count = await self.get_pairs_count() calls = [] for pair_index in range(pairs_count): call_data = PairStorage.encodeABI(fn_name="pairs", args=[pair_index]) calls.append((PairStorage.address, call_data)) _, raw_data = await Multicall.functions.aggregate(calls).call() decoded_data = [] for data in raw_data: decoded = self.client.utils["decoder"](PairStorage, "pairs", data) decoded_data.append(PairInfo(**decoded)) for index, pair_info in enumerate(decoded_data): if not pair_info.from_: pair_info.from_ = f"DELISTED_{index}" = f"DELISTED_{index}" self._pair_info_cache[index] = pair_info group_indexes = set([pair.group_index for pair in decoded_data]) self._group_indexes_cache = group_indexes self._pair_mapping = { f"{info.from_}/{}": index for index, info in self._pair_info_cache.items() } return self._pair_info_cache
[docs] async def get_pairs_count(self): """ Retrieves the number of pairs from the blockchain. Returns: The number of pairs as an integer. """ PairStorage = self.client.contracts.get("PairStorage") return await PairStorage.functions.pairsCount().call()
[docs] async def get_group_indexes(self): """ Retrieves the group ids from the blockchain. Returns: The group ids as a set. """ if not self._group_indexes_cache: await self.get_pairs_info() return self._group_indexes_cache
[docs] async def get_pair_index(self, pair): """ Retrieves the index of a pair from the blockchain. Args: pair: The pair to retrieve the index for. Expects a string in the format "from/to". Returns: The index of the pair as an integer. Raises: ValueError: If the pair is not found in the pairs information. """ pairs_info = await self.get_pairs_info() for index, pair_info in pairs_info.items(): if pair_info.from_ + "/" + == pair: return index raise ValueError(f"Pair {pair} not found in pairs info.")
[docs] async def get_pair_name_from_index(self, pair_index): """ Retrieves the pair name from the index. Args: pair_index: The pair index. Returns: The pair name. """ pairs_info = await self.get_pairs_info() return pairs_info[pair_index].from_ + "/" + pairs_info[pair_index].to