Source code for avantis_trader_sdk.rpc.asset_parameters

import asyncio
from .rpc_helpers import map_output_to_pairs
from ..types import (
from typing import Optional

[docs] class AssetParametersRPC: """ This class provides methods to retrieve and calculate various asset parameters related to open interest, open interest limits, and asset utilization. """ def __init__(self, client): """ Constructor for the AssetParametersRPC class. Args: client: The TraderClient object. """ self.client = client
[docs] async def get_oi_limits(self): """ Retrieves the open interest limits for all trading pairs. Returns: An OpenInterestLimits instance containing the open interest limits for each trading pair. """ PairStorage = self.client.contracts.get("PairStorage") Multicall = self.client.contracts.get("Multicall") pairs_info = await self.client.pairs_cache.get_pairs_info() calls = [] for pair_index in range(len(pairs_info)): call_data = PairStorage.encodeABI(fn_name="pairMaxOI", args=[pair_index]) calls.append((PairStorage.address, call_data)) response = await Multicall.functions.aggregate(calls).call() decoded_response = [ int.from_bytes(value, byteorder="big") / 10**6 for value in response[1] ] return OpenInterestLimits( limits=map_output_to_pairs(pairs_info, decoded_response) )
[docs] async def get_oi(self): """ Retrieves the current open interest for all trading pairs. Returns: An OpenInterest instance containing the long and short open interest ratios for each trading pair. """ Multicall = self.client.contracts.get("Multicall") pairs_info = await self.client.pairs_cache.get_pairs_info() raw_data = await Multicall.functions.getLongShortRatios().call() decoded = self.client.utils["decoder"]( Multicall, "getLongShortRatios", raw_data ) return OpenInterest( long=map_output_to_pairs( pairs_info, [val / 10**6 for val in decoded["longRatio"]] ), short=map_output_to_pairs( pairs_info, [val / 10**6 for val in decoded["shortRatio"]] ), )
[docs] async def get_utilization(self): """ Calculates the asset utilization for all trading pairs. Returns: A Utilization instance containing the asset utilization absolute value for each trading pair. """ TradingStorage = self.client.contracts.get("TradingStorage") Multicall = self.client.contracts.get("Multicall") pairs_info = await self.client.pairs_cache.get_pairs_info() calls = [] for pair_index in range(len(pairs_info)): call_data = TradingStorage.encodeABI(fn_name="pairOI", args=[pair_index]) calls.append((TradingStorage.address, call_data)) oi_limits_task = self.get_oi_limits() aggregate_task = Multicall.functions.aggregate(calls).call() oi_limits, aggregate_response = await asyncio.gather( oi_limits_task, aggregate_task ) utilization = {} for pair_index, (pair_data, oi_limit) in enumerate( zip(aggregate_response[1], oi_limits.limits.values()) ): pair_name = f"{pairs_info[pair_index].from_}/{pairs_info[pair_index].to}" current_oi = int.from_bytes(pair_data, byteorder="big") / 10**6 limit = oi_limit utilization[pair_name] = current_oi / limit if limit else 0 return Utilization(utilization=utilization)
[docs] async def get_asset_skew(self): """ Calculates the asset skew for all trading pairs. Returns: An Skew instance containing the asset skew absolute value for each trading pair. """ oi = await self.get_oi() skew = {} for pair, long_ratio in oi.long.items(): short_ratio = oi.short[pair] skew[pair] = ( long_ratio / (long_ratio + short_ratio) if long_ratio + short_ratio else 0 ) return Skew(skew=skew)
[docs] async def get_price_impact_spread( self, position_size: int = 0, is_long: Optional[bool] = None, pair: str = None ): """ Retrieves the price impact spread for all trading pairs. Args: is_long: A boolean indicating if the position is a buy or sell. Defaults to None. If None, the price impact spread for both buy and sell will be returned. position_size: The size of the position (collateral * leverage). Supports upto 6 decimals. Defaults to 0. pair: The trading pair for which the price impact spread is to be calculated. Defaults to None. If None, the price impact spread for all trading pairs will be returned. Returns: A Spread instance containing the price impact spread for each trading pair in bps. """ position_size = int(position_size * 10**6) Multicall = self.client.contracts.get("Multicall") calls = [] response = None if pair is not None: pair_index = await self.client.pairs_cache.get_pair_index(pair) PairInfos = self.client.contracts.get("PairInfos") if is_long is None: calls.extend( [ ( PairInfos.address, PairInfos.encodeABI( fn_name="getPriceImpactSpread", args=[pair_index, True, position_size], ), ), ( PairInfos.address, PairInfos.encodeABI( fn_name="getPriceImpactSpread", args=[pair_index, False, position_size], ), ), ] ) else: response = await PairInfos.functions.getPriceImpactSpread( pair_index, is_long, position_size ).call() else: pairs_info = await self.client.pairs_cache.get_pairs_info() PairInfos = self.client.contracts.get("PairInfos") for pair_index in range(len(pairs_info)): if is_long is None: calls.extend( [ ( PairInfos.address, PairInfos.encodeABI( fn_name="getPriceImpactSpread", args=[pair_index, True, position_size], ), ), ( PairInfos.address, PairInfos.encodeABI( fn_name="getPriceImpactSpread", args=[pair_index, False, position_size], ), ), ] ) else: calls.append( ( PairInfos.address, PairInfos.encodeABI( fn_name="getPriceImpactSpread", args=[pair_index, is_long, position_size], ), ) ) if response is None: response = await Multicall.functions.tryAggregate(False, calls).call() if is_long is None: decoded_response = [ ( (int.from_bytes(value, byteorder="big") / 10**10 * 100) if success else 0 ) for success, value in response ] if pair is None: return Spread( long=map_output_to_pairs(pairs_info, decoded_response[::2]), short=map_output_to_pairs(pairs_info, decoded_response[1::2]), ) else: return Spread( long={pair: decoded_response[0]}, short={pair: decoded_response[1]}, ) elif is_long: decoded_response = map_output_to_pairs( pairs_info, [ ( (int.from_bytes(value, byteorder="big") / 10**10 * 100) if success else 0 ) for success, value in response ], ) return Spread(long=decoded_response) else: decoded_response = map_output_to_pairs( pairs_info, [ ( (int.from_bytes(value, byteorder="big") / 10**10 * 100) if success else 0 ) for success, value in response ], ) return Spread(short=decoded_response) elif is_long: return Spread(long={pair: response / 10**10 * 100}) else: return Spread(short={pair: response / 10**10 * 100})
[docs] async def get_skew_impact_spread( self, position_size: int = 0, is_long: Optional[bool] = None, pair: str = None ): """ Retrieves the skew impact spread for all trading pairs. Args: is_long: A boolean indicating if the position is a buy or sell. Defaults to None. If None, the skew impact spread for both buy and sell will be returned. position_size: The size of the position (collateral * leverage). Supports upto 6 decimals. Defaults to 0. pair: The trading pair for which the skew impact spread is to be calculated. Defaults to None. If None, the skew impact spread for all trading pairs will be returned. Returns: A Spread instance containing the skew impact spread for each trading pair in bps. """ position_size = int(position_size * 10**6) Multicall = self.client.contracts.get("Multicall") calls = [] response = None if pair is not None: pair_index = await self.client.pairs_cache.get_pair_index(pair) PairInfos = self.client.contracts.get("PairInfos") if is_long is None: calls.extend( [ ( PairInfos.address, PairInfos.encodeABI( fn_name="getSkewImpactSpread", args=[pair_index, True, position_size], ), ), ( PairInfos.address, PairInfos.encodeABI( fn_name="getSkewImpactSpread", args=[pair_index, False, position_size], ), ), ] ) else: response = await PairInfos.functions.getSkewImpactSpread( pair_index, is_long, position_size ).call() else: pairs_info = await self.client.pairs_cache.get_pairs_info() PairInfos = self.client.contracts.get("PairInfos") for pair_index in range(len(pairs_info)): if is_long is None: calls.extend( [ ( PairInfos.address, PairInfos.encodeABI( fn_name="getSkewImpactSpread", args=[pair_index, True, position_size], ), ), ( PairInfos.address, PairInfos.encodeABI( fn_name="getSkewImpactSpread", args=[pair_index, False, position_size], ), ), ] ) else: calls.append( ( PairInfos.address, PairInfos.encodeABI( fn_name="getSkewImpactSpread", args=[pair_index, is_long, position_size], ), ) ) if response is None: response = await Multicall.functions.aggregate(calls).call() if is_long is None: decoded_response = [ int.from_bytes(value, byteorder="big", signed=True) / 10**10 * 100 for value in response[1] ] if pair is None: return Spread( long=map_output_to_pairs(pairs_info, decoded_response[::2]), short=map_output_to_pairs(pairs_info, decoded_response[1::2]), ) else: return Spread( long={pair: decoded_response[0]}, short={pair: decoded_response[1]}, ) elif is_long: decoded_response = map_output_to_pairs( pairs_info, [ int.from_bytes(value, byteorder="big") / 10**10 * 100 for value in response[1] ], ) return Spread(long=decoded_response) else: decoded_response = map_output_to_pairs( pairs_info, [ int.from_bytes(value, byteorder="big") / 10**10 * 100 for value in response[1] ], ) return Spread(short=decoded_response) elif is_long: return Spread(long={pair: response / 10**10 * 100}) else: return Spread(short={pair: response / 10**10 * 100})
[docs] async def get_opening_price_impact_spread( self, pair: str, position_size: int = 0, open_price: float = 0, is_long: Optional[bool] = None, ): """ Retrieves the trade price impact spread for pair. Args: pair: The trading pair for which the price impact is to be calculated. position_size: The size of the position (collateral * leverage). Supports upto 6 decimals. Defaults to 0. open_price: The price at which the position was opened. Supports upto 10 decimals. Defaults to 0. is_long: A boolean indicating if the position is a buy or sell. Defaults to None. If None, the price impact for both buy and sell will be returned. Returns: A Spread instance containing the trade price impact for pair in bps. """ position_size = int(position_size * 10**6) open_price = int(open_price * 10**10) Multicall = self.client.contracts.get("Multicall") calls = [] response = None pair_index = await self.client.pairs_cache.get_pair_index(pair) PairInfos = self.client.contracts.get("PairInfos") if is_long is None: calls.extend( [ ( PairInfos.address, PairInfos.encodeABI( fn_name="getTradePriceImpact", args=[open_price, pair_index, True, position_size], ), ), ( PairInfos.address, PairInfos.encodeABI( fn_name="getTradePriceImpact", args=[open_price, pair_index, False, position_size], ), ), ] ) else: response = await PairInfos.functions.getTradePriceImpact( open_price, pair_index, is_long, position_size ).call() if response is None: response = await Multicall.functions.aggregate(calls).call() decoded_response = [ int.from_bytes(value, byteorder="big") / 10**10 * 100 for value in response[1] ] return Spread( long={pair: decoded_response[0]}, short={pair: decoded_response[1]}, ) elif is_long: return Spread(long={pair: response / 10**10 * 100}) else: return Spread(short={pair: response / 10**10 * 100})
[docs] async def get_one_percent_depth(self): """ Retrieves the one percent depth for all trading pairs. Returns: A Depth instance containing the one percent depth for each trading pair. """ Multicall = self.client.contracts.get("Multicall") PairInfos = self.client.contracts.get("PairInfos") pairs_info = await self.client.pairs_cache.get_pairs_info() calls = [] for pair_index in range(len(pairs_info)): calls.extend( [ ( PairInfos.address, PairInfos.encodeABI( fn_name="getOnePercentDepthAbove", args=[pair_index], ), ), ( PairInfos.address, PairInfos.encodeABI( fn_name="getOnePercentDepthBelow", args=[pair_index], ), ), ] ) response = await Multicall.functions.aggregate(calls).call() decoded_response = [ int.from_bytes(value, byteorder="big") / 10**6 for value in response[1] ] return Depth( above=map_output_to_pairs(pairs_info, decoded_response[::2]), below=map_output_to_pairs(pairs_info, decoded_response[1::2]), )