import json
from pathlib import Path
from web3 import Web3, AsyncWeb3
from .config import CONTRACT_ADDRESSES
from .rpc.pairs_cache import PairsCache
from .rpc.asset_parameters import AssetParametersRPC
from .rpc.category_parameters import CategoryParametersRPC
from .rpc.blended import BlendedRPC
from .rpc.fee_parameters import FeeParametersRPC
from .rpc.trading_parameters import TradingParametersRPC
from .rpc.snapshot import SnapshotRPC
from import TradeRPC
from .utils import decoder
from .feed.feed_client import FeedClient
from .signers.base import BaseSigner
from .signers.local_signer import LocalSigner
from .signers.kms_signer import KMSSigner
class TraderClient:
This class provides methods to interact with the Avantis smart contracts.
def __init__(
signer: BaseSigner = None,
Constructor for the TraderClient class.
provider_url: The URL of the Ethereum node provider.
l1_provider_url (optional): The URL of the L1 Ethereum node provider.
signer (optional): The signer to use for signing transactions.
self.web3 = Web3(
Web3.HTTPProvider(provider_url, request_kwargs={"timeout": 60})
self.async_web3 = AsyncWeb3(
AsyncWeb3.AsyncHTTPProvider(provider_url, request_kwargs={"timeout": 60})
self.l1_web3 = Web3(
Web3.HTTPProvider(l1_provider_url, request_kwargs={"timeout": 60})
self.l1_async_web3 = AsyncWeb3(
AsyncWeb3.AsyncHTTPProvider(l1_provider_url, request_kwargs={"timeout": 60})
self.contracts = self.load_contracts()
self.chain_id = self.web3.eth.chain_id
self.utils = {
"decoder": lambda *args, **kwargs: decoder(self.web3, *args, **kwargs)
self.pairs_cache = PairsCache(self)
self.asset_parameters = AssetParametersRPC(self)
self.category_parameters = CategoryParametersRPC(self)
self.blended = BlendedRPC(self)
self.fee_parameters = FeeParametersRPC(self)
self.trading_parameters = TradingParametersRPC(self)
self.snapshot = SnapshotRPC(self) = TradeRPC(self, FeedClient)
self.signer = signer
def load_contract(self, name):
Loads the contract ABI and address from the local filesystem.
name: The name of the contract.
A Contract object.
abi_path = Path(__file__).parent / "abis" / f"{name}.sol" / f"{name}.json"
with open(abi_path) as abi_file:
abi = json.load(abi_file)
address = CONTRACT_ADDRESSES[name]
return self.async_web3.eth.contract(address=address, abi=abi["abi"])
def load_contracts(self):
Loads all the contracts mentioned in the config from the local filesystem.
A dictionary containing the contract names as keys and the Contract objects as values.
return {name: self.load_contract(name) for name in CONTRACT_ADDRESSES.keys()}
async def read_contract(self, contract_name, function_name, *args, decode=True):
Calls a read-only function of a contract.
contract_name: The name of the contract.
function_name: The name of the function.
args: The arguments to the function.
The result of the function call.
contract = self.contracts.get(contract_name)
if not contract:
raise ValueError(f"Contract {contract_name} not found")
raw_data = await contract.functions[function_name](*args).call()
if decode:
return self.utils["decoder"](contract, function_name, raw_data)
return raw_data
async def write_contract(self, contract_name, function_name, *args, **kwargs):
Calls a write function of a contract.
contract_name: The name of the contract.
function_name: The name of the function.
args: The arguments to the function.
The transaction hash or the transaction object if signer is None.
contract = self.contracts.get(contract_name)
if not contract:
raise ValueError(f"Contract {contract_name} not found")
if self.has_signer() and "from" not in kwargs:
kwargs["from"] = self.get_signer().get_ethereum_address()
if "chainId" not in kwargs:
kwargs["chainId"] = self.chain_id
if "nonce" not in kwargs:
kwargs["nonce"] = await self.get_transaction_count(kwargs["from"])
transaction = await contract.functions[function_name](*args).build_transaction(
if not self.has_signer():
return transaction
receipt = await self.sign_and_get_receipt(transaction)
return receipt
def set_signer(self, signer: BaseSigner):
Sets the signer.
self.signer = signer
def get_signer(self):
Gets the signer.
return self.signer
def remove_signer(self):
Removes the signer.
self.signer = None
def has_signer(self):
Checks if the signer is set.
return self.signer is not None
def set_local_signer(self, private_key):
Sets the local signer.
self.signer = LocalSigner(private_key, self.async_web3)
def set_aws_kms_signer(self, kms_key_id, region_name="us-east-1"):
Sets the AWS KMS signer.
self.signer = KMSSigner(self.async_web3, kms_key_id, region_name)
async def sign_transaction(self, transaction):
Signs a transaction.
transaction: The transaction object.
The signed transaction object.
if not self.has_signer():
raise ValueError(
"No signer is set. Please set a signer using `set_signer`."
return await self.signer.sign_transaction(transaction)
async def send_and_get_transaction_hash(self, signed_txn):
Gets the transaction hash.
signed_txn: The signed transaction object.
The transaction hash.
return await self.async_web3.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed_txn.rawTransaction)
async def wait_for_transaction_receipt(self, tx_hash):
Waits for the transaction to be mined.
tx_hash: The transaction hash.
The transaction receipt.
return await self.async_web3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash)
async def sign_and_get_receipt(self, transaction):
Signs a transaction and waits for it to be mined.
transaction: The transaction object.
The transaction receipt.
gas_estimate = await self.get_gas_estimate(transaction)
transaction["gas"] = gas_estimate
signed_txn = await self.sign_transaction(transaction)
tx_hash = await self.send_and_get_transaction_hash(signed_txn)
return await self.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash)
async def get_transaction_count(self, address=None):
Gets the transaction count.
address (optional): The address.
The transaction count.
if address is None:
address = self.get_signer().get_ethereum_address()
return await self.async_web3.eth.get_transaction_count(address)
async def get_gas_price(self):
Gets the gas price.
The gas price.
return await self.async_web3.eth.gas_price
async def get_chain_id(self):
Gets the chain id.
The chain id.
return await self.async_web3.eth.chain_id
async def get_balance(self, address=None):
Gets the balance.
address (optional): The address.
The balance.
if address is None:
address = self.get_signer().get_ethereum_address()
balance = await self.async_web3.eth.get_balance(address)
return balance / 10**18
async def get_usdc_balance(self, address=None):
Gets the USDC balance.
address (optional): The address.
The USDC balance.
if address is None:
address = self.get_signer().get_ethereum_address()
balance = await self.read_contract("USDC", "balanceOf", address, decode=False)
return balance / 10**6
async def get_usdc_allowance_for_trading(self, address=None):
Gets the USDC allowance for the Trading Storage contract.
address (optional): The address.
The USDC allowance.
if address is None:
address = self.get_signer().get_ethereum_address()
trading_storage_address = self.contracts["TradingStorage"].address
allowance = await self.read_contract(
"USDC", "allowance", address, trading_storage_address, decode=False
return allowance / 10**6
async def approve_usdc_for_trading(self, amount=100000):
Approves the USDC amount for the Trading Storage contract.
amount (optional): The amount to approve. Defaults to $100,000.
The transaction hash.
trading_storage_address = self.contracts["TradingStorage"].address
return await self.write_contract(
"USDC", "approve", trading_storage_address, int(amount * 10**6)
async def get_gas_estimate(self, transaction):
Gets the gas estimate.
transaction: The transaction object.
The gas estimate.
return await self.async_web3.eth.estimate_gas(transaction)
async def get_transaction_hex(self, transaction):
Gets the transaction hex.
transaction: The transaction object.
The transaction hex.
return transaction.hex()